“Your fitness is 100% mental.
Your body won’t go where your mind doesn’t push it.”
— Heather Frey
What is SmashFit?
SmashFit isn't just a fitness website, it's a culmination of a lifetime of work and *real life experience* (the good and the bad) designed to teach, move, and wisdom-ize you into the life you were meant to live in the body you’ve always wanted to have. How? By working on how you THINK.
Your inside-health is tied to your outside-health, and both are tied to your mental and emotional health. But the very 1st step to moving into a “I-can-do-this!” way of thinking is decide, no more giving up or giving in. THAT is how you’ll get there. The magic is, you just need to start walking down path, and that’s what SmashFit is here for.
WSFL-TV Fitness Topics
Heather is the Fitness Expert for the TV show, “Inside South Florida” covering every topic from nutrition, workouts to building your MINDSET.
Watch her quick segments to get you moving in the right direction!
Buy My Book
“Thoughts To Think” is compilation of quotes and quick mind shifts to give you a new perspective and mental strategy to move through your life. Written and illustrated by Heather with a passion to help people into their best life.
Work With Me
We’ll work together to create your own unique Change Challenge that works into your busy life. We’ll cover nutrition, training, and the most importantly, your MINDSET.
About Heather
Heather is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Fitness and Life Strategist, speaker, writer, clean eating advocate, artist, former Figure champion as well as a wife and mother of two girls.