12 Most Inspiring Ways To Think Yourself Fit
It's interesting that people see their bodies as some completely separate entity from their *self*, a being that just does whatever it wants. But barring any health issues, your fitness, body and health is ALL up in your head. Every bit of it. What you THINK determines what your body does. Find new ways to think yourself FIT.
11 Fitness Strategies for a Tighter, Leaner Body
How you should workout has to do with your goals. Are you working towards strength? Building muscle? Overall better health? Although each has a different strategy, the principals are the same for all fitness. Here are 11 principals you should be following.
7 Ways To Stop Hacking Your Body Image
We're all harder on ourselves than anyone else is when it comes to our body. We see every tiny imperfection, every dimple, line, crease, and fold… But this constant self demolition doesn't do you any good and simply hacks at your confidence and self worth and if you don't feel worthy, how are you suppose to lift yourself up? You have got to start cheering yourself on.
How to break the “I have no time” excuse
Your intentions are good. You’ve made a plan and promised yourself you’re starting tomorrow! And then tomorrow comes and… your child gets sick, or you have to work late, or… or… or… so you say, I just don’t have time. But more often than not there is. Here are my quick and simple solutions.
My in-Studio interview with Inside South Florida
My first in-studio interview where I finally got to meet my host Jason Carter and crew in real life after almost a year of working with the show. I talk about how fitness started for me and how you can move fitness-forward. This is a prelude to launching my new segments, Getting Our Fit Together with Heather , coming soon!
12 Most Least Obvious Best Reasons You Should Be Working Out
We all know we should be working out but for some reason you don't do it, or you can't keep doing it. Here are some other reasons that may help hoist you over the fitness hump and finally get you moving!
Beware of viral workout trends
We see all kinds of workouts and advice, some even goes viral, but that doesn’t mean they’re effective. Here are a few moves I see all the time - are they helpful, harmful, or a waste of time? Check it out.
20 Ways To Smash A Plateau
Plateaus are frustrating. You’re moving along, making great progress and then in all stops and you have no idea why.. most likely you’ve adapted. Here are 20 ways to break that nasty plateau!
Answering YOUR Fitness Questions - Viewer Mail
Viewer Mail - How do you know how much weight you should be lifting? Which is best, a full-body program or split program? These questions and more.
12 Most Fundamental Habits of the Super Fit
Super fit people aren't any different than you EXCEPT - they think differently.. which makes them act differently. Here are 12 ways the super fit think -
It could be your ELSE holding you back from fitness goals
You're eating healthy, hitting all your workouts but you're just not seeing the results... what gives?
It could be many things but most likely it's your nutrition…what ELSE are you eating? Here are 7 places your “else” might be hiding.
All About Abs
TV segment - One of the top requests I hear when people talk to me about their workout goals? I want to see my abs! Watch my ab workout segment on Inside South Florida and get tips on how to make those abs pop.
Are low-calorie diets sustainable?
TV segment - Are low-calorie diets sustainable? I’ll discuss why long term calorie deprivation can be harmful and what to do instead.
Could fitness myths be derailing your progress?
TV Segment - We think these fitness ideas are true when they’re perpetuated myths that could be stalling your progress. What could YOU be doing wrong?
10 Fitness Mistakes NOT To Make
So here's what I don't want you to do - Focus instead on MINDSET because how you THINK will determine what you do.
All Calories Are Not Created Equal
100 calories of candy/sweets and 100 calories of an apple will work very differently inside your body. The apple calories carry vitamins, minerals, fiber, and energy that your body actually needs so it gets used up simply by moving about your day.
Footless Workout
I broke my foot competing on American Ninja Warrior. I thought I’d be out for months… but I wasn’t. Here’s an at-home workout I did.
Does Flavored Water count as "Water"?
We all know water is superior hydration (with an exception for some extreme sports) but for some reason, you just don't like it or you can't make yourself drink enough of it, you need flavor!